Survey of the Bible
This Bible Survey course contains fourteen lessons—plus charts, maps, and supplements to survey the Bible.
Using the chart below, these lessons help students memorize a time-line beginning with the days of creation in Genesis through the time of Nehemiah, approximately 400 BC when the Bible is silent until 4 BC. The study then focuses on the Life of Christ recorded in the “4 Gospels” into the Christian Age, 30 AD through ???
- Period Before the Flood – Genesis 1-5 – Adam (?? – ?? BC)
- Creation
- Garden of Eden
- Adam and Eve
- Sin
- The First Civilization
- Period of the Flood – Genesis 6-11 – Noah (?? – 2000 BC)
- Wickedness
- Warning
- The Ark
- Ham, Shem, and Japheth
- Mount Ararat
- The Tower of Babel
- The Chosen Family – Genesis 12-46 – Abraham (2000 BC – 1800 BC)
- Abram is called
- Promises made
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Egyptian Bondage – Genesis 47 – Exodus 14 – Joseph (1800 – 1440 BC)
- Move to Egypt
- Enslaved
- Cry for deliverance
- Wilderness Wandering – Exodus 15 – Deuteronomy – Moses (1440 – 1400 BC)
- Deliverance and the Red Sea
- Aaron
- Sinai
- The Law of Moses
- Tabernacle
- Conquest of Canaan – Joshua (1400 BC)
- Gilgal
- Jericho
- Ai
- Conquest Campaigns
- Tribes receive land
- The Time of the Judges – Judges and Ruth (1400 – 1043 BC)
- Othniel
- Deborah
- Gideon
- Samson
- Samuel
- The United Kingdom – 1/2 Samuel – 1 Kings 11 (1043 – 931 BC)
- Saul
- David
- Solomon
- Israel is a powerful, rich nation
- The Divided Kingdom – 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 15 (931 – 721 BC)
- The Northern Kingdom – Israel (10 tribes)
- The Southern Kingdom – Judah (2 tribes)
- Judah Alone and in Captivity – 2 Kings 15-25 (721-536 BC)
- Kings: Hezekiah, Josiah
- Prophets: Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel
- Judah captured by Babylon and taken away in three waves
- 605 – Daniel and 3 friends
- 597 – Ezekiel and others
- 586 – Temple and Jerusalem destroyed
- Restoration: The Return from Exile – Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther (536-400 BC)
- Persia conquers Babylon and allows a re-nationalization of captives
- Zerubabel rebuilds the Temple
- Ezra restores the law
- Nehemiah rebuilds the walls
- Prophets include Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
- Bible History is Silent – Historical events of this time include Alexandar the Great, the Grecian Empire, and the Roman Empire (400 – 4 BC)
- The Life of Christ – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (4 BC – 30 AD)
- The Christian Age: Part 1 – Acts 1-13 (30 AD – Today)
- Church established, grows, and spreads
- The Christian Age: Part 2 – Acts 14-28 (30 AD – Today)
- Peter and Paul
- Supplemental Material (Charts, Maps, and Diagrams)