PowerPoint Sermons
Ready to use PowerPoint Sermons
These are NOT just “outlines” in PowerPoint format, they are graphically illustrated sermons! Many are lessons previously presented as “flannel” or cloth chart sermons. (I converted one of these cloth sermons presented over 40 years ago to PowerPoint, but it still preaches today!)
These sermons are easily adapted to your personal style using the extra material and graphics included. Each sermon will have the presentation, either a sermon outline or manuscript, sometimes both. Some also have audio so you can listen to how it was presented.
The presentations are too large and complex to be posted on-line; however, copies of the Sermons in PowerPoint will be sent via USPS. A $10 material, packaging and mailing fee applies for each CD. Each CD contains eight to fifteen sermons listed in separate directories. A DVD containing all the PowerPoint volumes is also available for $15 and comes with an additional DVD of more resource materials not listed on this site.
Please provide your name, mailing address, and e-mail address when placing your order.
Please send:
$10 for each CD (volume)
$15 for the DVD |
Windell Gann
201 Holden Street
Rogersville, AL 35652 |
Contact me at: wgann@hiwaay.net if you have any questions, wish to check your order status, etc…
Volume 1
1. Abraham – Genesis 23
2. Chest of Joash (A sermon on giving)
3. Colossians (+ Bible class material)
4. Death and Heaven
5. Divine Truth
6. Sermon on Elders
7. Ephesians (+ Bible class material)
8. God’s Word – Our Guide
9. Naaman – It Pays to Obey
10. The Owner’s Manual
11. Reasons to Live Right
12. Steps of Success
13. Things Worth Repeating
*Workshop Material:
(1) Heartfelt Religion
(2) How Great Thou Art
(3) Jeremiah
(4) Lecture Method of Teaching
+ Bonus Material |
Volume 2
1. Galatians
2. God’s Word – Our Guide
3. Meaning of the Lord’s Supper
4. Happy New Year
5. Principles for Parenting
6. Receiving Christ
7. Revelation Studies
8. Sardis – Church of the Living Dead
9. Sower and the Soils
10. Truth About Temptation
11. Turning Tears Into Joy
12. Were You There (Crucifixion of Christ)
13. Who Is Allah?
+ Bonus Material |
Volume 3
1. The Work of Elders
2. New Year 2003
3. Divorce in America (Part 1)
4. Door to the Sheepfold
5. Ethiopian Treasurer
6. Sower and the Soils
7. Value of the Soul
8. Walking on Water |
Volume 4
1. Bible TimeLine of the Old Testament
2. Bible TimeLine of the New Testament
3. The Christian Race (Part 1)
4. The Christian Race (Part 2)
5. David’s Army
6. Reverent Worship
7. God Pleasing Revival
8. Lessons from A Leper
+ Bonus Material |
Volume 5
1. Aquila and Priscilla
2. Bringing In The Sheaves
3. The Church That Jesus Built
4. The Dead Sea Scrolls (Part 1)
5. The Dead Sea Scrolls (Part 2)
6. The Gates of Hell
7. The Day Jesus Stood Still
8. Divorce in America (Part 2)
+ Bonus Material |
Volume 6
1. Camping Toward Canaan
2. Giving Thanks
3. Why I Believe In God
4. Why I Believe the Bible
5. Why I’m A Member of the Church
6. Why Should We Assemble?
*A Study of Nehemiah,
complete with Bible class material
7. (Nehemiah 1) Riding Horses At Night
8. (Nehemiah 2) Hand Me Another Brick (1)
9. (Nehemiah 3) Hand Me Another Brick (2)
10. (Nehemiah 4) Nehemiah’s Wall Dedication
+ Bonus Material |
Volume 7
1. Elijah
2. Five States of Man
3. Enemies of the Cross
4. Inspiration of the Bible
5. Jacob
6. John 3:16
7. John the Baptist
8. Mother’s Day (2004)
9. Nehemiah (A Leadership Lesson)
10. Our Christian Heritage
11. Resurrection and the Life
12. The ABC’s of a Gospel Meeting
13. What Adam and Eve Looked Like
14. What Is In Thy Hand
15. Why Am I A Christian?
+ Bonus Material |
Volume 8
1. Baptism
2. Being Thankful When Prosperous
3. Capital Punishment
4. Faith
5. Finding Great Treasures
6. Greatest Chapter in the Bible
7. The Good Confession
8. How Great Is Your Faith
9. In the Footsteps of Jesus
10. Is It A Sin To Miss Church?
11. Museum of Your Mind
12. The Prayer – James 5
13. Repentance
14. What Paul Found at Corinth
15. Why Pilate Failed |
Volume 9
1. Creation, Evolution & Dinosaurs
2. Cure for Snake Bite
3. Four Strong Anchors
4. The – ‘A’ Model
5. Making Marriage Work
6. Resolutions For A New Year
7. Sins of Disobedience
8. Standing Before God
9. Wee Little Sinner
10. What’s In A Name?
11. When You Are Not Fairly Treated |
Suggested sources for help in preparing PowerPoint presentations:
E-Bible Teacher good assortment of graphical aides for PowerPoint users
ePreaching on Yahoo