
A couple of updates

If anyone is interested in purchasing a plate lunch May 11 at 12 noon for the ICYC benefit dinner, please let Rachael or Scott know. Plates are $20 and include smoked chicken, green beans, potato salad, homemade bread, drink and dessert. Rachael will pick plate lunches up and deliver them to the annex Saturday evening. See her for more details. Also remember that this Sunday we will have a table set up in the annex during the luncheon to bless…
Business man thinking

What are you?

A zealot was a politically charged Jew who hated the Roman empire for their cruelty. The empire took what did not belong to them. It neglected real human need. For a zealot, plotting against the government would have been a favorite past time. To plan anything, something, in order to change the circumstances of the people’s lives. They were the voice of the oppressed, so breaking the law was of little consequence compared to the overthrow of the government. Similar ideas persist today. You can see many,…