Gospel Meeting with Eric Owens
Sunday 9am Worship 10:15am Bible Class 5pm Worship Monday-Wednesday 6:30pm Nightly Bible Study
Indian Creek Youth Camp
ICYC is July 11-16. Registration is now open. We are also in need of adults to go as counselors. If you can go, please see Alex or Scott as soon as possible.
VBS is June 13-16. Please let Scott know how you can help. It will be from 6pm-8pm each evening (with the exception of Sunday night which will be from 5pm-7pm). We need help in the skit department. We also need group leaders. These people will be in charge of watching the clock to make sure we rotate on time and will be in charge of leading a particular group from station to station.
6th Grade and Down Devotional
A devo for 6th grade and down will be Friday, June 11 from 5-8 at Todd & Brandi Springer’s creek. Hamburgers, hotdogs, and drinks will be provided. Bring chips and desserts. Bring your child’s swim clothes if you want them to swim. Please let Brandi know if you plan to attend so enough food can be prepared.
Bayes/Burchell Wedding Shower
A Wedding Shower for Hannah Bayes and Buddy Burchell will be held in the annex next Sunday, June 6 from 2pm-4pm. Selections at Target and Blueprint Registry.
Please join the Shoals Area churches in this effort to bring CLEAN WATER to families and communities that would otherwise be drinking dirty, unhealthy water! We hope you’ll make plans to be a part of our Walk4Water at McFarland Park on Sunday, April 18. Remember any and every donation helps-you can also help by liking/sharing our walk page to raise awareness of this great need of clean water that exists for so many around the world!
Drive Thru Grocery Pick Up
This Saturday, November 21, we will have a “drive through grocery pick up”. If you would be able to help greet those that come to the drive thru, give out grocery bags, and see if they have needs concerning their children’s Christmas, please sign the list on the main foyer table.
Marriage and Family Seminar
November 14th beginning at 9am, we will host a marriage and the family seminar with Joe Wells. Please invite anyone and everyone to come and take part in this greatly needed time of study. Joe does an incredible job and is highly trained in the area of marriage/family discussions.
Marriage and Family Seminar with Joe Wells
Please come and join us as we study God’s plan for our marriage and family. You’ll be glad you came! Our speaker will be Joe Wells. Schedule 9:00am – Welcome and Introduction 9:15-9:45 – Lesson #1 (First Things First) 9:45-9:55 – Q & A 9:55 – Break 10:00-10:30 – Lesson #2 (Marriage Day To Day) 10:30-10:40 – Q & A 10:40 – Break 10:50-11:20 – Lesson # 3 (Your Home A Castle) 11:20-11:30 – Q & A 11:30- Break 11:40-12:15…
Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 25th at 7pm in the gravel parking lot we will have Trunk or Treat. We are asking that you park your vehicles in such a way that will help us maintain some space (if we need to use the paved parking lot as well, that will be available). We also ask that those who are passing out candy bring a mask to wear and if you are planning to bring supper for your family, please plan to eat…
Cornelius – Killen Wedding Shower
Please join us for a Couples Shower and meal honoring Aaron Cornelius & Maggie Killen, Sunday, October 25 at 2pm. They are registered at Target, Home Depot, Amazon, and Crate & Barrel. Please RSVP Taylor Cosby 256-762-3037.