I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

“Many things about tomorrow,
I don’t seem to understand,
but I know who holds tomorrow,
and I know who holds my hand.”

Written in 1950 by Ira Stanphill, this song has tremendous meaning in our world today. At the time of its writing, Stanphill was dealing with the aftermath of his wife choosing a life of sin and adultery over a solid marriage built on faith in God. In the days after, he would begin humming a tune, then singing words from his own pain to fill the gaps, giving us this great encouragement even from a place of confusion and pain. Today as we study together, we look at the final hours of Jesus’ life and how in a time of confusion and pain, we have been given something that will never change or fade away, the resurrection of Jesus.

“I don’t worry o’er the future,
for I know what Jesus said;
and today I’ll walk beside Him,
for He knows what is ahead…

And the path that be my portion
may be through the flame or flood,
but His presence goes before me,
and I’m covered with His blood.”

In this time of confusion, discouragement, worry, anxiety, fear, and dread, put the unknown future in the hands of a known God.
– Scott


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