
As a kid, I remember being told that the Christian life was one of JOY. I would notice that people who were faithful Christians were consistently happier and more satisfied than other people I happened to be around. When I was younger, it was explained that was because they lived their lives according to the following acrostic:

J – Jesus first
O – Others second
Y – Yourself third

Living the Christian life brings out the best in people. The humility shown to us in the example of Christ gives us a proper outlook on life and how to deal with people. That humility is not thinking of yourself as worthless, but rather having a proper view of yourself in the view of your Creator. Therefore, it is important that we examine ourselves to be sure we are living lives that are approved by God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed. (2 Timothy 2:15) As we study this morning and this evening, let us all take that first step of self evaluation in order that we may have the life of joy promised by our Lord.

– Scott


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