Posts by Rogersville Church of Christ (Page 5)


Today’s Update

REMINDER: Tonight starts our final topic of this season’s discussion. Tonight and next Thursday we will be discussing the afterlife before taking a break for the summer. Please join us at 6:30 tonight in the annex! Also, based on our lesson from two weeks ago, please take about 15 minutes and use the video to prepare for worship on Sunday.

June 10 Update

Hi everyone! First of all, let me apologize for the sound issues with our Daily Devo last night. I know there may not be many who tune in, but for those that do, I know it sounded terrible. I will make sure that it is fixed before tomorrow night. Also, here is the link and information for our Zoom Bible study tonight! Please make plans to join us at 6:30 pm as we look at Proverbs 30 together. Topic: Wednesday Night…
Business man thinking

What are you?

A zealot was a politically charged Jew who hated the Roman empire for their cruelty. The empire took what did not belong to them. It neglected real human need. For a zealot, plotting against the government would have been a favorite past time. To plan anything, something, in order to change the circumstances of the people’s lives. They were the voice of the oppressed, so breaking the law was of little consequence compared to the overthrow of the government. Similar ideas persist today. You can see many,…

Updates for June 3, 2020

We have a few updates to share 1) This Sunday morning we will be meeting in the parking lot again for worship. There is a change in the time, however, as we will be meeting at 9am instead of 10. Please make plans to be there and take part. In addition, we would like to ask everyone to sit closer to the building if possible (while maintaining social distancing). 2) This Sunday evening at 7pm we will be having our graduation recognition outside in the parking…

Meeting Together

What did we miss about the assembly? What did we miss about congregating together as the Lord’s body? Why do we feel drawn to be in the same physical location with those who proclaim to be Christians like us? At what point did we decide (over the course of the last several weeks) that we were eager to get back together? For me, it has been a difficult past few weeks. The church has never been about the building and has never been about architecture, pews, lights, carpet, tile,…
Quill pen on an old book in a library

Early Christians and the Plague

The church historian Eusebius (A.D. 260-340) relayed a report by Dionysius (A.D. 200-265), a bishop of Alexandria, saying in part: Most of our brethren showed love and loyalty in not sparing themselves while helping one another, tending to the sick with no thought of danger and gladly departing this life with them after becoming infected with their disease. Many who nursed others to health died themselves. The best of our own brothers lost their lives in this way-some presbyters, deacons, and laymen-a form of death based on strong faith and…
Thinking Businessman

God is Faithful

Paul wanted the Corinthians to remember some of the terrible moments from a history of rebellious Israel, and learn from that. “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you…

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

“Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.” Written in 1950 by Ira Stanphill, this song has tremendous meaning in our world today. At the time of its writing, Stanphill was dealing with the aftermath of his wife choosing a life of sin and adultery over a solid marriage built on faith in God. In the days after, he would begin humming a tune, then singing words from his own pain to…
Morning water reflection

God Commands the Waters

God put a river that was watering the garden of Eden (Gen 2.10). He provided water to the living things, making sure they had exactly what they needed. But when sin happened, it brought consequences, even in respect to the way water was able to be received. Now storms and torrents would come, and rain would fall. In Genesis 6-8, God brings a flood that destroyed all living things on the earth. Later, when people would disobey what he commanded them, God brought no…