Posts by Rogersville Church of Christ (Page 3)


There is much attention to the idea of gratitude this week. It is a yearly reminder to us that we have so many blessings. Look around our good land, and you will quickly see that we have some of the best water, food and shelter. Truly we are a rich nation. Gratitude comes from knowing what these blessings are, and feeling a direct connection to how those blessings improve your life. Gratitude might be expressing those wonderful blessings around a…

A Family for When You’re in Need

The church is a wonderful group of people who care for each other in a way that is very similar to a family unit. We pray for one another, we laugh with one another, we cry with one another, and most of all, we are all striving towards the same goal — Heaven. The church is a divine gift from God that creates a network of believers around the world who feel that they have a spiritual family who is…

What if?

What if? What if we really lived our lives believing the things we have all stated as Christians? – What if we lived our lives with the motto of “To live is Christ and to die is gain”? – What if we lived our lives truly in fear of Hell and what it means for the lost? – What if we lived our lives speaking truth and encouragement? – What if we lived our lives fully relying on God? –…

The Church of Jesus Christ

We are the body of Christ, the church (Col 1.16). We have remained the church the whole time we have been meeting outside. We are the church when we come together for worship, and we remain the church when we leave (Eph 1.20ff). Having to meet in a different spot is only a matter of our traditions, not a matter of our identity. God is who gives us our identity (I Cor 1.9ff), not traditions of men. Meeting inside the…

A Christian in Strange Times

The times we live in are strange to say the least. In our country alone we have seen a seemingly endless stream of ridiculousness and negativity reign while civility and common decency appear to be ignored. In our churches we are seeing anger over whether or not one should wear a mask, Christians condemning one another over their choice of political party or over their health concerns, and disputes erupting over meeting times and locations. In our schools, parents are…

The Elder’s Plan to Resume Worship (October 2020)

The Elders have been working on a plan to resume worship in our church building. Starting Sunday, October 11, 2020 we will resume worship in the building at 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Starting Wednesday, October 14, 2020 we will resume mid-week devo in the building at 6:30PM. After careful consideration and prayer, we have come up with guidelines and logistics for everyone to follow. They are: Guidelines: -Masks ARE required at all times while in the building. Please be…

Learn and be Encouraged…

Sunday September 27th we will have a gathering at 3:15PM, in the annex, to talk about evangelism. The lesson that morning will center on this great work that Jesus has given to us. Let me say a word to the one who thinks that they are not able to teach the gospel, where you sit down and study the Bible with someone. The whole purpose of our Christian life is to grow in our knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ…

Priorities of Life and Godliness

There are times in every person’s life where the spiritual side takes a backseat to the worldly side. There are times in every person’s life where the decisions they make center solely around their own selfish desires and not the glory of God. However, when we truly examine those disastrous moments in our lives, we must see them for what they are: a blatant denial of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial love for us. In those moments we take the…

Uncertain Times Call for Certainty in a Faithful God

Hezekiah is a good king of Israel. During his reign, he has to deal with a threat of the Assyrian king coming in to destroy Jerusalem. The king receives verbal threats, along with a letter, with a discouraging word to him, and all the people. The king “spread out the letter before the Lord. And Hezekiah prayed…” (Isa 36.14-15). Hezekiah was told that his life was going to end. He humbled himself and prayed to God (Isa 38.1-3). So here…

Message for Today

Join us tonight in the parking lot at 6:30pm for worship! Also, there will be a Kids’ Bible Time Zoom at 5pm (information below). Topic: Kids’ Bible Time Time: Sep 6, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 796 786 8094 Passcode: 1234

What to Trust

“If you can trust God to save you for eternity, you can trust Him to lead you for a lifetime.” — David Platt There are very few absolute certainties in life. Some are simply matters of happenstance – for example, when anyone sees a newborn baby they will state “How cute!” – but there are precious few things in life that you can absolutely put all of your trust in. As a matter of fact, there really is only one…

Message from Scott

As you may have noticed, we did not premiere a new Weekend Bible Study video tonight on Facebook or YouTube… we will be premiering a new video tomorrow afternoon, but would also encourage you to go back through our YouTube channel and the 150+ videos we have posted since March 12 and study along with one of those… we certainly look forward to seeing you at 8am tomorrow morning and 6:30pm tomorrow night!