Church Blog

God is Great!

Psalm 70 :4-5 – May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore, “God is great!” But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay! We’ve gathered in the name of the God who is great, who rewards those who diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6). He has made known to us the path of life; in…

A couple of updates

If anyone is interested in purchasing a plate lunch May 11 at 12 noon for the ICYC benefit dinner, please let Rachael or Scott know. Plates are $20 and include smoked chicken, green beans, potato salad, homemade bread, drink and dessert. Rachael will pick plate lunches up and deliver them to the annex Saturday evening. See her for more details. Also remember that this Sunday we will have a table set up in the annex during the luncheon to bless…

Updates from The Elders

Good morning church family! Reminder of a couple things taking place today… 1. At 9:00 a.m. in the annex there will be a class on how to install and use the free e-Sword Bible program. Please bring your laptop computer or come learn how to use the program on you home desktop. 2. The Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival is tonight! Trunk or Treat begins at 4:30 and we will eat around 6:00. Bring soups, finger foods, desserts and lawn chairs.…
Helping hands or begging for help

Flood Support

Many have asked about helping the congregations in Tennessee who have been devastated by the flooding. If you are able to help financially at this time, please mail any donations to: Waverly church of Christ 438 West Main Street Waverly, TN 37185 Put Flood Relief on the “For” line Or you can also text “Give” to (931) 288-4887 and you will be taken through instructions to get the money to them. The Pinewood church of Christ lost their building to…

Be a Paul to a Timothy

Paul saw himself as a steward. Paul saw Timothy as his responsibility. You can see this in his encouragement to Timothy in chapter 1 and verse 18 and following. He urges Timothy to fight the battle well. He knows that Timothy must do that, but Paul sees it as something he should bring to Timothy’s mind, Paul is building Timothy up in the faith. Paul is using his role as the opportunity to tell the young preacher to keep fighting.…

Father’s Day

The awesome responsibility of being a father has been laid upon countless men throughout the ages. Men continue to struggle, many becoming successful fathers, some not. One way that men can be sure that they’ll do the best job possible when it comes to leading the family is to include God and His instruction. Nothing is more important than a godly father. Those of us who were blessed to have fathers that feared and served God, can easily see the…

June Updates

Greetings everyone! The family and I are on vacation this week, but I have been thinking about you all and praying for you. I have a few things to remind you about and ask for your help with… VBS is rapidly approaching. I am still in need of some “policemen and policewomen” to make sure our students get where they need to go and stay (relatively) quiet doing so. If you can help with that, please let me know. Also,…

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers represented in our audience today. We certainly hope that you have a wonderful day and are able to be surrounded by family. As we gather to worship today, our morning lesson will focus on a mother from the New Testament that everyone should be able to learn from. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was not perfect by any means and certainly had her moments of struggle, but it is vital to remember the…

The Grace of Christ

Come and let’s study the “grace of Christ” today! We have such an awesome privilege to serve the risen Lord. We have been called to live in His grace. We all look like Paul, who was also called to live in the grace of Christ. In our chapter examination we will find some obvious clues of what an incredible life he found in Christ Jesus. We will celebrate the life that the power of the grace of Christ can produce.…

Note from us

REMINDER: Tonight at 6:30pm in the annex will be our time of discussion. Alex will be leading that discussion of the times where Jesus used the word “woe”. Please come and be a part of this good study! Also, please remember the workday that is scheduled for this Saturday at the building beginning at 8am. We need your help on several projects inside and outside the building, so please make plans to come and help out!

We are Human and so Are Children

“Because I said so…” “I am the parent, you are the child. Never forget that.” “If you don’t stop, I am going to lose it.” “I brought you into this world and I can take you out.” These are all phrases used in the Hollywood representation of parenthood. Sadly, I admit that most of these have been used in my house. It is a tough thing to be a parent! Remember that you are human and so are those children…

I Can’t Get Enough

“I can’t get enough,” is a phrase we hear, or say occasionally, about certain things we are interested in. Someone might say, “I can’t get enough money,” “I can’t get enough land,” or “I can’t get enough of sports.” Do we ever use this phrase speaking about spiritual things? For example, have we ever said, “I can’t get enough of God’s word?” Knowledge of God is more important than knowledge of worldly things. Knowledge of God should be a priority…